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The Tic-Tac-Toe Drawing game - support page

About the game Screenshots EULA Support

On this page of technical support you can find: the technical information about this game, section a question-answer, known problems and communication with the developer.

Technical information of game

Version history

  • Version 1.6, 7 december 2013.

    Current game version. Additions:Award list, erase awards.
    Improvements: Disabled awards for won with peoples (without AI). Improvement design for small and large screen.. Small fix.

  • Version 1.5, 1 september 2013.

    Additions:Records. With the victory for the various sizes and levels added message about new records: the best number of moves, the best time.
    New options: highlighting the last cell.
    Improvements: optimized and improvement graphics, more faster easy and normal AI, other improvements.

  • Version 1.4, 14 june 2013.

    Additions: Multitouch support - you can draw multiple shapes at the one time! show count of the number of game moves - at end of game message.
    New options: Change the length of the win lines (from 4 up to 6 in a row) for big game field and more interesing game. AI can first start the game. New game field styles: square cell style (was only a rounded square style and ).
    Improvements: improved recognition of the cross; optimized graphics rendering; other small improvements.
    Found bug? Write about it to developer (see on bottom page).

  • Version 1.3, 18 april 2013.

    Current game version. Added: opportunity of erasing figures, displaying game time. New design (honey cells). Improved recognition of figures (the cross). Improved AI on hard and an normal level. Fixes saving settings and other small fixes. The application became accessible for Android 2.2 and above (early only from version 2.3.3).

  • Version 1.2, 30 december 2012.

    Added: auto-centering figures can be turned off, a new variant of decorating cell - lines (see options), improved buttons and design. Fix bug in devices with multi-touch support (not full fix), fix recognition of figures (figures sometimes sticking together). Other small fix. If I don't fix any bug then write.

  • Version 1.1, 18 december 2012.

    Optimized graphics, improved drawing. Improved screen rotation. Improved AI: draws faster, improved hard AI gaming on the 3x3 field. Several minor improvements and fixes.

  • Version 1.0, 9 december 2012.

    The first release, game has been public only in Google Play. Languages: russian, english.


  • How to install the game?

    You may install this game from the official website in Google Play. At occurrence of problems at uploading and installation see technical support Google Play. At occurrence of problems during playing look for the decision in section known problems or at forums.

  • How to pay the game?

    This is drawing game. You should concern the screen and lead on a cell a line. So will draw a dagger, or a zero. Successful game!

  • Where I can download game?

    The game is given free of charge through Google Play. You can install game having visited page of game in Google Play. Game is made for Android platform.

  • If game is not work?

    If you have problems at installation then looking for the decision in help center Google Play. At other problems with game, see in section known problems.

Known problems

  • Multitoush is not supported. In the version 1.4 now supportmultitouch! But, if them have any bug's and disabled, then you may reenabled multitouch from game settings. Please, send about any problems to developer on email.
  • If the image is split in two pieces when animated, then try to disable the animation in the game settings.
  • If the game working too slow then Decision: disabled animation in options. On performance can as affect the following: field cell style lines (this style of design while requiring more load on the device); as not as strange, but the fastest AI is not only did he play better, but also less demanding on hardware resources.
  • Can not drawing figures on border of a game field? The decision: try to start to drawing from the center field (not coming for borders).
  • AI on Hard difficulty you can still win :)

Contact to developer

If you hawe the problems with this game and you not found decisions on this pages or on other recommended resources, you can write the email to developer. Letters are accepted in following languages: Russian and English. You can use any electronic translator to write the letter (for example Google Translator), but remember, sometimes computer translators deform sense of messages, because it, please, check the text before sending.
You can contact the developer through this e-mail: .

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